Cyber Exercise Generator
Use this form to generate a new cyber exercise.
Resource Name (use-kebab-case):
Resource UUID:
Docker Type:
Single-service Docker
Multi-service Docker
Select an Option:
Exposed Nginx server with multiple services
One service exposed
Type of Container:
idocker - Normal web application
rdocker - Other type of network service
Select the Image Distribution type:
Select Ubuntu Version:
Ubuntu Latest
Ubuntu 18.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Select base image:
Empty base Ubuntu image with flag and user handling
Ubuntu NGINX web server for static web sites
Ubuntu NGINX node app.js
Select base image:
Empty base Alpine image with flag and user handling
Alpine NGINX web server for static web sites
NGINX-PHP web server for static and dynamic web sites
PYTHON-FLASK web application
WEB-SHELL based on ttyd (without authentication)
WEB-SHELL based on shell in a box (with authentication)
HTTP/HTTPS Proxy based on tinyproxy
SSH docker server
NODEJS node app.js (Hello World)
NODEJS npm start (Node and Websocket Service)
Executable C with compiled flag
Executable C binary
Unitd web server: Small unitd web service (static page)
Alpine Linux, Theia web IDE
Alpine Apache2 web server
Alpine Apache2 PHP web server
Add support for dynamic goldnugget?
What type of flag do you want to use?
A flag in an environment variable (env flag)
A flag in a file (file flag)
Your Name:
Your Email: